“Expect the unexpected.” If you’re a “Big Brother” fan, you know the hit CBS show always delivers on its famous catch phrase. For Arkansans, that...
Forty is a significant number to Saline County Solid Waste District Executive Director Mike Grappe. It’s not a relevant number to any recycling program currently under...
While thousands of animals are euthanized in Arkansas every year, thousands of others are up for adoption just waiting for a forever home.
Advances in technology and science continue to improve, making the field of broadcast meteorology even more accurate and efficient.
The Young Players Second Stage focuses on the needs of adolescent and young adult performers and allows them to perform alongside seasoned adult actors that...
Don’t lose that party spirit yet! Here are more reasons to continue the celebration into the new year.
March Madness generally refers to the time of the annual NCAA college basketball tournament. In Saline County, March Madness is a huge one-day spring shopping...
When you start our on your shopping journey this year, remember to keep it local and support small businesses that make Saline County great.
Christmas is already an exciting and special time for kids. It's even more exciting when we can track Santa Claus with the weather radar!
Blame it on the Ghost of Christmas Past. Every year at this time, our minds–and more poignantly, our hearts–start flashing images of favorite Christmases to...