Saline Memorial Hospital (SMH) is nearing completion of a new state of the art, $3.1 million Cardiac Electrophysiology (EP) Lab that will allow patients with...
As we begin to enter the season of warmer weather here in Central Arkansas, many of us are motivated to shake off the winter cobwebs...
Statin therapy is facing a moderate sized paradigm shift socially amongst patients and a real clinical shift amongst physicians.
While we all are allowed to indulge in savoring the gustatory treats of the holidays, some of us with chronic medical issues should also exercise...
In this personal essay, Dr. Kim Smith, an ob/gyn with Central Arkansas Women’s Group, describes her own journey with Stage 4 breast cancer and the...
Coverage is important in many areas of life. So, we should also want our automobiles to be properly covered when an accident occurs. It is...
Taking Responsibility For Yourself I have to first admit that my perspective on illness has changed since the last time I wrote these articles. Prior...
Obesity has become endemic in many areas of the United States. As more and more people across the country fight this battle, more research is...
The human body is your earthly, physical home. Except unlike a house, we only get one body. Our health is more precious than any possession.
What We Can Learn From Epics We are all familiar with survivor stories – accounts of people who have overcome incredible obstacles and hardship in...