New year! New goals! If you’re diving into your resolutions headfirst, I am cheering for you! There is no time like the present to go...
Holiday season is upon us, which means the hustle and bustle of life increases. Adding the shopping, parties and decorating to our already busy lives...
Like the vast majority of gym-goers, I’m not training to be a powerlifter. All I really want is to keep up with my kids and...
What is your favorite color? What about favorite movie? Book? Child (just kidding…maybe)? Why do we even have favorites? If you slow down and think...
It’s 2 AM. My 18-month-old has awakened me AGAIN. I spend about five minutes kicking my husband in the leg, hoping he will wake up...
Fitness trends – they come and go. Indoor cycling was popular in the 90’s and then fizzled out in the twentieth century. But over the...
This time of year is the slowest in the fitness business because all the things start to happen – school is back in session, kids...
We are all so busy, I know. And eating healthy gets pushed to the side, usually first. In fact, a lot of people will find...
Most of the clients who walk through the doors of McClure fitness are trying to get fit. 75% of the time, that means attempting to...
Hey readers! I love writing these fitness articles for you all. To celebrate ten years of Saline County Lifestyles, I wanted to share my personal...