Volume 11 Issue 6

It’s no secret that I love Christmas.  It’s such a fun and joyful time of year.  I’ve been blessed to have nothing but happy Christmas memories, and now that I have my own family, I hope to create lasting holiday memories with them. Traditions are important to me, and I feel like familiar, time-honored traditions add a sense of anticipation to the Christmas season.

We seem to hold on to holiday traditions because they add meaning to our celebrations and help us bond with the ones we love.  In my family, one tradition that I enjoy is my mom’s homemade cinnamon rolls.  If there is one thing I just might love more than Christmas, it’s sweets!  For as long as I can remember, my mom has prepared cinnamon roll dough on Christmas Eve night so that she can pull the finished product fresh from the oven, hot and delicious every Christmas morning.

Some Christmas traditions are sentimental while others are just for fun. For example, making reindeer food out of dried oats and glitter and letting the kids sprinkle it in the backyard on Christmas Eve, or taking the fun “a step” further by making Santa footprints out of flour on the living room floor. Other traditions go beyond family and involve entire towns.  In Mobile, Alabama, residents celebrate the season by donning elf costumes and strolling through town during an event dubbed Elfapalooza.

Much of the joy of Christmas comes from taking part in the traditions that have been passed down through the generations. My mom recently handed down her special cinnamon roll recipe to my wife.  So, save the cookies for Santa, I’ve got cinnamon rolls to eat! If you don’t think traditions matter to your family, try making a change and see what happens. Sometimes it’s the little things that your family holds most near and dear. Your town. Your life. Your magazine.

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