
  • Know Your Homeowners Insurance

    Since your home may be the biggest investment you ever make, it is important to understand your home insurance coverage options, from market value to...

  • Joe Knows?

    It was hard for me to believe that one guy could have so many firmly held but outright wrong beliefs as the man who sat...

  • Notes From Dr. Sam

    Despite all the problems and tragedies that surround us, there are always a few hints that maybe things aren’t as bad as they may seem.

  • Super Satellite With Super Powers

    GOES-East really is a “super” satellite that will allow meteorologists to view more precise weather guidance models and in the event of severe weather, will...

  • Weight Loss: The Never-Ending Subject

    For long-term change and to keep the weight off, you’ve got to do it the right way.

  • The Vocabulary Of Medicine

    Medical language and common language both share English in our country, but the same word can have two completely different meanings.

  • What To Know When Buying And Selling A Car

    If a new set of wheels is in your future, keep these things in mind throughout the process to find a vehicle that meets your...

  • The Plan That Failed

    My grandparents made a major estate planning mistake, but to be fair, they’re in good company.

  • Notes From Dr. Sam

    For the last year, I have dwelled on an excellent adventure of bicycle riding, but this time, I will linger on a journey of memory...

  • Farewell, My Friend

    Tom Brannon announced his retirement from television earlier this fall, so I thought I would take this opportunity to pay tribute to my friend, colleague...