Many Americans are stuck indoors at a work desk and remain indoors after work in front of the television. This sedentary lifestyle leads many to...
For long-term change and to keep the weight off, you’ve got to do it the right way.
The most common excuse I hear from people for not exercising is time. They say they have no time. I get it.
I am personally in the middle of a weight loss challenge after having my fourth baby and gaining 50 pounds. It’s tough. I gain weight...
In my last article, I mentioned said “walking is not exercise” and that “walking is how God created us to get from point A to...
Everyone has to start somewhere. Here are my top three exercises for building lean muscle.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Here are my top three exercises for building lean muscle.
Everyone has to start somewhere. Here are my top three exercises for building lean muscle.
For most people, fitness and health is pushed to the back burner. However, I would argue that it should be kept front and center.
I asked Marliisa Yarberry, a certified yoga instructor at McClure Fitness several questions to help us all gain a better understanding of why each of...