Hornets Hertiage

The Salt Bowl is more than just a game; it’s a celebration of history, dedication, and the tight-knit community that the Bryant School District has cultivated over the years. This year, many coaches who are Bryant High School alumni share their unique journeys and reflections as they gear up for the Benton-Bryant rivalry.

A Homecoming of Heart

Hunter Gregory, an Assistant 8th Blue Football Coach and Assistant High School Softball Coach, reflects on his deep-rooted connection with Bryant. Graduating in 2002, Gregory’s journey spans from kindergarten through his senior year. ”I always loved that it felt like a small town, even though the school district was huge,” Gregory shares. His return to Bryant after teaching in other districts for 20 years highlights a sense of homecoming and belonging. His favorite Salt Bowl memory was his senior year, playing at Benton’s old field. “There were people everywhere, even on the rooftops of houses. We were down going into halftime and came back and won. It was an awesome atmosphere.”

Spirit and Legacy

Jessica Langley, Head 7th Grade Dance Coach, emphasizes the enduring school spirit that drew her back to Bryant. After graduating in 2007 and returning to teach in 2020, Langley continues to foster the vibrant spirit she cherished as a student. “I have always admired the school spirit and integrity our sports and extracurricular programs have displayed.” Her favorite memory stems back to 2006 when Bryant was determined to get back the trophy Benton had won the year before. “We were on our feet the entire game. We took back the trophy with a 20-7 victory!”

Embracing Diversity and Building Lifelong Bonds

Devonte Howard, Head 8th Blue Football Coach, credits Bryant’s diversity and inclusive environment for shaping his perspective and relationships. Howard’s journey from Bryant (2010-2014) to coaching at his alma mater highlights his commitment to giving back to the community that welcomed him. “Bryant taught me how to open my mind and build relationships with people who don’t always look like me.” 

Community and Connection

For Truli Bate, Head 8th Volleyball Coach, Bryant is synonymous with community and support. Attending Bryant from 7th to 12th grade (2014-2020), Bate found a welcoming and nurturing environment. She decided to return as a coach because of the strong bonds she’d formed with her teachers, who are now her colleagues. “Bryant is a special place; I needed Bryant when I moved into the district in the 7th grade,” she shares. Her favorite Salt Bowl memory involves sharing the excitement with a foreign exchange student, showcasing the inclusivity and joy the event brings.

A Legacy of Excellence

Assistant Athletic Director Travis Queck’s journey from student to coach and administrator at Bryant illustrates the legacy of excellence that defines the school. Graduating in 2005, Queck’s involvement with Bryant Athletics spans multiple roles, including Head Baseball Coach and Defensive Coordinator for football. “What I love about Bryant Public Schools is the desire to be great,” Queck states. “Playing in the first game at War Memorial was definitely a fun experience in 2005, but seeing the crowds grow over the past twenty years and coaching in it now is something that I will cherish.”

Generations of Commitment

Kenny Horn, Head 9th Grade Football Coach, highlights the generational commitment that binds Bryant alumni to their school. Graduating in 1993 and coaching at Bryant for 20 years, Horn and his family have deep ties to the district. “My wife has worked in the district for 25 years,” he shares. Horn’s favorite Salt Bowl memory is simple: “Every time we beat Benton.”

Giving Back to the Alma Mater

Garrett Bock, Head Baseball Coach and Assistant High School Football Coach, views coaching at Bryant as a way to give back to the school that influenced him. Having graduated in 2010, Bock now coaches both sports he played in high school. “It means a little bit more when you help the school that you attended to try to be the best both academically and athletically,” he explains. 

Honoring Tradition

Assistant High School Girls Track Coach and Assistant High School Cross Country Coach Bo Lee values the opportunity to share the community that shaped his past with future generations. Having graduated in 2004, his favorite Salt Bowl memory is in the making, as his oldest son participates for the first time. “I’m already smiling! GO HORNETS!” 

A Legacy of Influence

Bryant Middle School 7th Grade Head Basketball Coach and 7th Grade Assistant Football Coach Reid Prescott embodies the legacy of positive influence at Bryant. Graduating in 2010, Prescott now coaches the sports he played in school. “The players, coaches, and staff put in a ton of hard work that makes Bryant and its athletic program as successful as they are.” 

Coming Full Circle

Assistant High School Boys Soccer Coach and Head 8B/W 9B Cross Country Coach Hayden Ray’s experience at Bryant comes full circle. A 2016 alumnus, Ray now coaches both soccer and football, the sports he played as a student. This year marks his first teaching and coaching at Bryant, and he eagerly anticipates starting the year.

Leading with Spirit

Head 8th Blue Dance Coach Gina Bolick has an obvious passion for Bryant. Bolick was deeply involved in student leadership before graduating in 2005 and now leads as coach with the same enthusiasm. ‘I love the school spirit and family environment we have.” 

Impacting Lives

Assistant High School Football Coach and Head Wrestling Coach Shane Clancy returned to Bryant with a desire to change students’ lives for the better. Clancy (’98) values the community support and the chance to help it thrive. 

Learning from the Best

Head 7th White Cross Country Coach and Assistant High School Softball Coach DeAnna Ward came back to Bryant to learn from its exceptional coaches. Of the class of 1990, Ward has coached multiple sports over the past 20 years. “It’s where I belong,” she affirms.

Homecoming and Excellence

Assistant High School Volleyball Coach and Assistant High School Soccer Coach Britney Sahlmann views Bryant as home. Like so many of her colleagues, Sahlmann now coaches the sports she excelled in during high school. “Bryant is home. We are a community that supports and uplifts our students,” the 2016 alumna explains. 

Growing the Game

Head High School Boys Soccer Coach Jesse Wolf gives his all to growing Bryant’s program. His favorite Salt Bowl memory involves creating shirts with friends, highlighting the camaraderie and school spirit defining the rivalry.

Family and Tradition

Head High School Cheer Coach Karen Scarlett’s ties to Bryant run deep. Her family enjoys a long history with the school; she and her husband both graduated in 1985, and all their children followed in their footsteps. Her siblings and mother also are proud graduates. “Bryant schools have played such a huge role in my entire family life,” she shares. Her favorite Salt Bowl memory involves her son Cameron’s time as a captain. 

From Athlete to Coach

Head Tennis Coach and Head Swim Coach Angel Dale’s journey from athlete to coach demonstrates the school’s effectiveness at fostering talent. Dale played multiple sports before graduating in 1993. This year marks her 20th year at Bryant and 20th season with the Lady Hornets. Her favorite Salt Bowl memory involves the last year it was played at CW Lewis Stadium. Her brother, Joe Gould, was a senior on the team that year. The camaraderie was amazing then and it just keeps growing.

Building Bonds Through Cross Country and Track

Nicole Bradbury, Head 8B/ W 9G Cross Country Coach and Head 8W Girls Track Coach, attended Bryant Schools from 6th to 12th grade and dedicated 13 years to working in the district. She aims to create for her athletes the same environment of camaraderie and striving that she experienced as a student. 

From Cheerleader to Head Coach

Brooke Meister, Head High Girls Cross Country Coach and Head High School Girls Track Coach, began her Bryant journey at Salem Elementary in 1st grade and graduated from Bryant High School in 2005. She was a cheerleader from 8th to 11th grade and ran track and cross country throughout her Bryant career. Her positive experiences as a student-athlete made it easy to return and give back as a coach. She values the supportive environment at Bryant and enjoys fostering it for her athletes. 

These coaches’ stories remind us that Bryant Athletics is more than just sports. It’s the genuine love for a worthwhile pursuit that causes alumni to return to Bryant, where they can coach and inspire the next generation. Go Hornets!