Let’s Flip This House!

With so many media sources for DIYs and Total Makeovers, it is easy to become dissatisfied with our status quo, prompting a desire to “flip our house.” But wait—life was not designed to be a DIY. Much ancient wisdom still applies to our lives today.

Solomon said,

“Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.” Well, I’m certainly not Solomon, but I do have over 40 years’ experience building and ministering to families, so I want to share a few nuggets from my experiences.

There’s a significant difference between Telling, Yelling, & Training!

Here are few simple ideas that, if lovingly applied, might just “Flip Your House” right side up.

First, Positive Role Models play such an important role in developing the next generation. So much of what little ones learn is through observation. It’s been said many life lessons are “better caught with the eye rather than taught in the ear!” As a father of two and a grandfather to seven ranging 17-24 years old, I’ve always endeavored to be a role model, whether we are in public or in private.

Secondly, we all need Mentors to not only model principles but also to come alongside us to walk us through the challenges of our daily routines. Motivational gurus tell us, “Success can be found in our daily routine.” Moses said, “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.

Impress them
on your children. 

“Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” 

Along with my busy schedule as a local Pastor and founder of Arkansas Christian Academy and Second Chance Youth Ranch, I try to have a rotating one-on-one lunch each week with one or two of my grandchildren to listen to their ideas, talk about their dreams, and encourage them in their faith. These are days I pray they will always remember and someday repeat the process with their children and grandchildren.

Finally, a local church with ministry designed for children can be an asset and a great place to connect with others on the parenting journey. Scripture says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it!” 

When Role Models, Mentors, and Ministry all work together, a spiritual synergy arises in our lives, homes, and community. The result may very well be a resurgence of love, faith, and character in the young lives of those watching and imitating our behavior.

Always Remember 

This is not a DIY life. You’re not alone, and with God’s help you will not ever have to “Flip Your House!” I would be honored to be a small part of your journey. Walking in love and working together, I believe we can raise up a generation of young people who may never need a total makeover.

May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and give you peace.

I hope to see you at the job site!