All posts by Carolyn Buckner

  • 40th Anniversary

    2018 is a monumental year in the history of Bryant Hornet football, as it marks the 40th anniversary of the first win over the Benton...

  • 111 N. Main – 2 Years

    Antique exposed brick, sixteen-foot stamped tile ceilings, gorgeous hardwoods and picturesque windows with a view of historic downtown Benton are some of the architectural delights...

  • Superhero: Julia DesCarpentrie

    Many years ago, Julia DesCarpentrie made the decision to use her talents to be a voice for at-risk children in Saline County.

  • Hopeful Homecoming

    For close to 450,000 military families whose loved ones are deployed, the holiday season is experienced in a very different way: with an empty chair...

  • Best in the Biz 2017 – Veterinarian

    Dr. Roger Barker knew at an early age what he wanted to be when he grew up.

  • Best in the Biz 2017 – Pharmacist Runner Up

    For almost 40 years now, Saline County residents have looked to Stan Chester for advice about this or that medication and trusted him for all...

  • Team Effort

    Pulling off an event as high profile and widely attended as the Salt Bowl is no easy task, but when both sides work together as...

  • Trendy Tots

    “Comfortable, free, stylish, natural, unique,” are all used to describe 2017 fashion trends for kids ranging in age from toddlers to tweens. According to,...

  • Unlocking Teamwork

    The Benton Panthers and Bryant Hornets went head-to-head in one of Arkansas Escape Room’s special teamwork centered adventures, putting their teamwork and communication skills to...

  • Your Marriage Is Worth It.

    Choose to Stay ministry founders, Ty and Jamie Pipkins, believe that the root of all divorce is selfishness but the Bible provides a clear guide...