All posts by Justin Elrod

  • No Crying In Baseball

    Tom Hanks was wrong. There really is crying in baseball. At least there was on July 4, 1939, when Lou Gehrig addressed Yankees fans (and...

  • The Day the Music Died

    February 3, 2019, marks the sixtieth anniversary of the plane crash that resulted in the untimely deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and “The Big...

  • Grateful

    Johnny Cash sings a song that begins, “One day near Christmas when I was just a child, Mama called us together and Mama tried to...

  • Grateful

    Johnny Cash sings a song that begins, “One day near Christmas when I was just a child, Mama called us together and Mama tried to...

  • When “Go Long” Isn’t The Best Plan

    I recently read an article arguing that “Average Arm Quarterbacks” in the NFL were more valuable to their teams than “Big Arm Quarterbacks.” The article...

  • The 8th Year of the 21st Century

    I’m sure the writer of Ecclesiastes didn’t have the movie industry in mind when he wrote, “What has been will be again, what has been...

  • Joe Knows?

    It was hard for me to believe that one guy could have so many firmly held but outright wrong beliefs as the man who sat...

  • The Plan That Failed

    My grandparents made a major estate planning mistake, but to be fair, they’re in good company.

  • Don’t Be Gruff About Giving

    Whether you help others by giving your time, your talents, your energy, or your money, do so generously and do so often.

  • Plan For Where You Want To Go

    Without a plan for getting where you want to go, how do you expect to get there?