Keep Your Cup Full

Spiritual Wellness, in my opinion, is the most critical area of wellness. When we are healthy spiritually, all of the other areas of our life just seem to work better.

I am a Christian and come from a Christian perspective. I believe that it is possible to have a personal relationship with the one true God through Jesus Christ. And just like any other relationship we have here on this planet, we have to work on our relationship with God in order for it to be healthy and for us to experience the best He has for us. Consistent, quality contact with God and the things of God are essential for spiritual wellness. So how does it happen?

Follow The Instructions

First, we have to read and obey the Bible. The Bible was written as an instruction manual for Christians. Unfortunately, just like most instruction manuals, most of us don’t read it. We think that we can handle this thing called life on our own and assemble all of the necessary parts in the proper way so that we can enjoy the finished product. I bet that, just like me, you have probably tried that with things you have assembled and even with your life. And I bet that just like me, it didn’t work out very well. Oh, it may have worked for a little while and may have even been fun for a season. But then things fall apart and we are left wondering what happened.

 What happened is this: we didn’t follow the directions. Instruction manuals are intended to help us enjoy a product to it’s fullest potential. In the same way, God’s Word was given to us so that we can live a full, happy, and healthy life. If you want to experience God’s best in your life, read and obey the Bible.

Find A Home

Secondly, I believe that having a healthy relationship with God is developed through the opportunities provided by a local group of like-minded believers, also known as a church. A church is critical for the healthy development of spiritual life. In church you will find teaching of the Bible and opportunities to practice what you learn as well as leadership for your spiritual growth.

In a healthy church, members and attenders have the chance to serve in the community as well as inside the walls of the building. Serving is a great way to use what you have learned from the Bible and a great way to share what you have learned with others. By sharing what we have been given, whether it is verbally or practically, we have a sense of fulfillment that draws us closer to God and to others. This sense of fulfillment can be a catalyst that motivates us to continue to develop our relationship with God and lead us to an even healthier spiritual life.

A healthy church will also provide accountability and leadership so that we can stay on course in developing a healthy relationship with God. Sheep need a shepherd. A shepherd leads the sheep to the best places to graze so that the sheep can grow and be healthy. A shepherd also keeps the sheep from straying and getting into trouble. When a sheep does get out of the flock or in trouble of some kind, a shepherd goes to help the sheep and bring it back into the healthy, loving environment of the flock. That’s why strong church leadership is important to a church and why a good church is important to spiritual well being.

A healthy church provides its members and attenders the chance to grow in their relationship with God By giving them a place to serve and providing leadership. But there is a third thing that is needed for spiritual wellness.

Connect With Others 

As we read and obey the Bible, as we serve and are guided through a local church, we also realize that we can’t do life alone. We were not created to be Lone Rangers in our spiritual life. We need others who believe the way we do in order to experience the best God has for us. And remember, even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.

Healthy relationships with others provide the support, encouragement, and accountability needed to develop a healthy relationship with God. When I have other people in my life that I trust, love, and lean on, I am able to share the ups and downs of my life with them and gain wisdom and insight from them.

I need people to be there for me when I struggle and share my victories as well. I need people to be with me when I have questions and when I can share answers. I need people in my life who will help me when I fall and cheer for me when I run. We need people.

When looking for people to help you develop spiritually, it is important to find people who are growing spiritually already. We need people who have maturity and wisdom beyond our own and people we can trust and count on no matter what. These people are the kind of people who will applaud you when you are doing well but are not afraid to lovingly hurt you when you mess up. I know that sometimes helping hurts and I need people in my life who will tell me what I need to hear and not just what I want to hear. I have to have loving, mature, trustworthy people in my life if I am going to experience the best God has for me.

Spiritual wellness can be achieved and is not complicated. Following the instructions of God’s Word, getting involved in a local church, and enlisting the support of others who share our beliefs will enable us to experience God’s best in our life and even help others experience his best too. And when we are healthy spiritually, the other areas of our life are healthier too.